Played 7 won 6 and lost 1.
Player of the Month for January would have to be Edouard with 7 goals and 23 shots.
For games in February;
- Edouard was top scorer with 7 goals
- Turnbull was top of the assists with 3
- Edouard had the most shots at 23
- Turnbull had the most key passes at 15
For season so far;
- Edouard is top with 20 goals
- Christie is top with 10 assists
- Edouard has 84 shots at goal
- Turnbull has 64 key passes

Looking at the stats performance by month and February versus January we improved on the vast majority of performance indicators.
Our stats were similar to December although opposition in February was just that little bit more difficult.
It's interesting to note our 3 months with the most difficult opposition were the 3 months of disaster. We just didn't have the team at the level to deal with a tougher opponent which is a very disappointing aspect of this season.